Article 15 – Arizona Constitution

Article 15 Section 1 – Term limits on corporation commission; composition; election; office vacancies; qualifications

Article 15 Section 2 – “Public service corporations” defined

Article 15 Section 3 – Power of commission as to classifications, rates and charges, rules, contracts, and accounts; local regulation

Article 15 Section 4 – Power to inspect and investigate

Article 15 Section 5 – Power to issue certificates of incorporation and licenses

Article 15 Section 6 – Enlargement of powers by legislature; rules and regulations

Article 15 Section 7 – Connecting and intersecting lines of transportation and communications corporations

Article 15 Section 8 – Transportation by connecting carriers

Article 15 Section 9 – Transmission of messages by connecting carriers

Article 15 Section 10 – Railways as public highways; other corporations as common carriers

Article 15 Section 11 – Movable property as personal property; liability of property to attachment, execution and sale

Article 15 Section 12 – Charges for service; discrimination; free or reduced rate transportation

Article 15 Section 13 – Reports to commission

Article 15 Section 14 – Value of property of public service corporations

Article 15 Section 15 – Acceptance of constitutional provisions by existing corporations

Article 15 Section 16 – Forfeitures for violations

Article 15 Section 17 – Appeal to courts

Article 15 Section 19 – Power to impose fines

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