Article 15 Section 14, 15, 16 – Arizona Constitution

Article 15 Section 14 – Value of property of public service corporations

14. Value of property of public service corporations

Section 14. The corporation commission shall, to aid it in the proper discharge of its duties, ascertain the fair value of the property within the state of every public service corporation doing business therein; and every public service corporation doing business within the state shall furnish to the commission all evidence in its possession, and all assistance in its power, requested by the commission in aid of the determination of the value of the property within the state of such public service corporation.

Article 15 Section 15 – Acceptance of constitutional provisions by existing corporations

15. Acceptance of constitutional provisions by existing corporations

Section 15. No public service corporation in existence at the time of the admission of this state into the union shall have the benefit of any future legislation except on condition of complete acceptance of all provisions of this Constitution applicable to public service corporations.

Article 15 Section 16 – Forfeitures for violations

16. Forfeitures for violations

Section 16. If any public service corporation shall violate any of the rules, regulations, orders, or decisions of the corporation commission, such corporation shall forfeit and pay to the state not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five thousand dollars for each such violation, to be recovered before any court of competent jurisdiction.

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