Article 6 Section 30 – Courts of record
30. Courts of record
Section 30. A. The supreme court, the court of appeals and the superior court shall be courts of record. Other courts of record may be established by law, but justice courts shall not be courts of record.
B. All justices and judges of courts of record, except for judges of the superior court and other courts of record inferior to the superior court in counties having a population of less than two hundred fifty thousand persons according to the most recent United States census, shall be appointed in the manner provided in section 37 of this article.
Article 6 Section 31 – Judges pro tempore
31. Judges pro tempore
Section 31. A. The legislature may provide for the appointment of members of the bar having the qualifications provided in section 22 of this article as judges pro tempore of courts inferior to the supreme court, except that justices of the peace pro tempore shall have the same qualifications as justices of the peace and do not have to reside in the precinct in which the justice of the peace pro tempore is appointed to serve.
B. When serving, any such person shall have all the judicial powers of a regular elected judge of the court to which the person is appointed. A person so appointed shall receive such compensation as may be provided by law. The population limitation of section 10 of this article shall not apply to the appointment of judges pro tempore of the superior court.