Article 10 – Agriculture, Mining and Manufacture – Arkansas Constitution

§ 1.   Mining, manufacturing and agricultural bureau — State aid.

The General Assembly shall pass such laws as will foster and aid the agricultural, mining and manufacturing interests of the State, and may create a bureau, to be known as the Mining, Manufacturing and Agricultural Bureau.

§ 2.   State geologist — Creation of office — Appointment and removal.

The General Assembly, when deemed expedient, may create the office of State Geologist, to be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, who shall hold his office for such time, and perform such duties, and receive such compensation as may be prescribed by law; Provided: That he shall be at all times subject to removal by the Governor, for incompetency or gross neglect of duty.

§ 3.   Exemption of mines and manufactures from taxation.

The General Assembly may, by general law, exempt from taxation for the term of seven years from the ratification of this Constitution, the capital invested in any or all kinds of mining and manufacturing business in this State, under such regulations and restrictions as may be prescribed by law.

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