Article 22 – Section 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 – Arizona Constitution

Article 22 Section 16 – Confinement of minor offenders

16. Confinement of minor offenders

Section 16. It shall be unlawful to confine any minor under the age of eighteen years, accused or convicted of crime, in the same section of any jail or prison in which adult prisoners are confined. Suitable quarters shall be prepared for the confinement of such minors.

Article 22 Section 17 – Compensation of public officers

17. Compensation of public officers

Section 17. All State and county officers (except notaries public) and all justices of the peace and constables, whose precinct includes a city or town or part thereof, shall be paid fixed and definite salaries, and they shall receive no fees for their own use.

Article 22 Section 18 – Nomination of incumbent public officers to other offices

18. Nomination of incumbent public officers to other offices

Section 18. Except during the final year of the term being served, no incumbent of a salaried elective office, whether holding by election or appointment, may offer himself for nomination or election to any salaried local, State or federal office.

Article 22 Section 19 – Lobbying

19. Lobbying

Section 19. The Legislature shall enact laws and adopt rules prohibiting the practice of lobbying on the floor of either House of the Legislature, and further regulating the practice of lobbying.

Article 22 Section 20 – Design of state seal

20. Design of state seal

Section 20. The seal of the State shall be of the following design: In the background shall be a range of mountains, with the sun rising behind the peaks thereof, and at the right side of the range of mountains there shall be a storage reservoir and a dam, below which in the middle distance are irrigated fields and orchards reaching into the foreground, at the right of which are cattle grazing. To the left in the middle distance on a mountain side is a quartz mill in front of which and in the foreground is a miner standing with pick and shovel. Above this device shall be the motto: “Ditat Deus.” In a circular band surrounding the whole device shall be inscribed: “Great Seal of The State of Arizona”, with the year of admission of the State into the Union.

Article 22 Section 21 – Enactment of laws to carry constitution into effect

21. Enactment of laws to carry constitution into effect

Section 21. The Legislature shall enact all necessary laws to carry into effect the provisions of this Constitution.

Article 22 Section 22 – Judgments of death

22. Judgments of death

Section 22. The judgment of death shall be inflicted by administering an intravenous injection of a substance or substances in a lethal quantity sufficient to cause death except that defendants sentenced to death for offenses committed prior to the effective date of the amendment to this section shall have the choice of either lethal injection or lethal gas. The lethal injection or lethal gas shall be administered under such procedures and supervision as prescribed by law. The execution shall take place within the limits of the state prison.

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