Article 5 of the Constitution of India: Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution.

Article 5 of the Constitution of India: Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution.

5. Citizenship at the commencement of the Constitution.—

At the commencement of this Constitution, every person who has his domicile in the territory of India and—
(a) who was born in the territory of India; or
(b) either of whose parents was born in the territory of India; or
(c) who has been ordinarily resident in the territory of India for not less than five years immediately preceding such commencement,
shall be a citizen of India.

Series Navigation<< Article 4 of the Constitution of India: Laws made under articles 2 and 3 to provide for the amendment of the First and the Fourth Schedules and supplemental, incidental and consequential matters.Article 6 of the Constitution of India: Rights of citizenship of certain persons who have migrated to India from Pakistan. >>

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