Article 6 Section 18, 19 – Arizona Constitution

Article 6 Section 18 – Superior court; writs

18. Superior court; writs

Section 18. The superior court or any judge thereof may issue writs of mandamus, quo warranto, review, certiorari, prohibition, and writs of habeas corpus on petition by or on behalf of a person held in actual custody within the county. Injunctions, attachments, and writs of prohibition and habeas corpus may be issued and served on legal holidays and non-judicial days.

Article 6 Section 19 – Superior court; service of judge in another county

19. Superior court; service of judge in another county

Section 19. A judge of the superior court shall serve in another county at the direction of the chief justice of the supreme court or may serve in another county at the request of the presiding judge of the superior court thereof.

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