Article 6 Section 9 – Intermediate appellate courts
9. Intermediate appellate courts
Section 9. The jurisdiction, powers, duties and composition of any intermediate appellate court shall be as provided by law.
Article 6 Section 10 – Superior court; number of judges
10. Superior court; number of judges
Section 10. There shall be in each county at least one judge of the superior court. There shall be in each county such additional judges as may be provided by law, but not exceeding one judge for each thirty thousand inhabitants or majority fraction thereof. The number of inhabitants in a county for purposes of this section may be determined by census enumeration or by such other method as may be provided by law.
Article 6 Section 11 – Superior court; presiding judges; duties
11. Superior court; presiding judges; duties
Section 11. There shall be in each county a presiding judge of the superior court. In each county in which there are two or more judges, the supreme court shall appoint one of such judges presiding judge. Presiding judges shall exercise administrative supervision over the superior court and judges thereof in their counties, and shall have such other duties as may be provided by law or by rules of the supreme court.