Article 7 – Judicial Department – Arkansas Constitution

§ 1 — 18.   [Repealed.]

§ 19.   Circuit clerks — Election — Term of office — Ex-officio duties — County clerks elected in certain counties.

The clerks of the circuit courts shall be elected by the qualified electors of the several counties for the term of two years, and shall be ex-officio clerks of the county and probate courts and recorder; provided, that in any county having a population exceeding fifteen thousand inhabitants, as shown by the last Federal census, there shall be elected a county clerk, in like manner as the clerk of the circuit court, and in such case the county clerk shall be ex-officio clerk of the probate court of such county until otherwise provided by the General Assembly. [As amended by Const. Amend. 24, § 3.]

§ 20 — 22.   [Repealed.]

§ 23.   Charge to juries.

Judges shall not charge juries with regard to matters of fact, but shall declare the law; and, in jury trials, shall reduce their charge or instructions to writing, on the request of either party.

§ 24.   [Repealed.]

§ 25.   [Repealed.]

§ 26.   Punishment of indirect contempt provided for by law.

The General Assembly shall have power to regulate, by law, the punishment of contempts; not committed in the presence or hearing of the courts, or in disobedience of process.

§ 27.   Removal of county and township officers — Grounds.

The Circuit Court shall have jurisdiction upon information, presentment, or indictment, to remove any county or township officer from office for incompetency, corruption, gross immorality, criminal conduct, malfeasance, misfeasance or nonfeasance in office.

§ 28.   County courts — Jurisdiction — Single judge holding court.

The County Courts shall have exclusive original jurisdiction in all matters relating to county taxes, roads, bridges, ferries, paupers, bastardy, vagrants, the apprenticeship of minors, the disbursement of money for county purposes, and in every other case that may be necessary to the

internal improvement and local concerns of the respective counties. The County Court shall be held by one judge, except in cases otherwise herein provided.

§ 29.   County judge — Election — Term — Qualifications.

The Judge of the County Court shall be elected by the qualified electors of the county for the term of two years. He shall be at least twenty-five years of age, a citizen of the United States, a man of upright character, of good business education, and a resident of the State for two years before his election; and a resident of the county at the time of his election, and during his continuance in office.

The Justices of the Peace of each county shall sit with and assist the County Judge in levying the county taxes, and in making appropriations for the expenses of the county, in the manner to be prescribed by law; and the County Judge, together with a majority of said Justices, shall constitute a quorum for such purposes; and in the absence of the County Judge a majority of the Justices of the Peace may constitute the court, who shall elect one of their number to preside. The General Assembly shall regulate by law the manner of compelling the attendance of such quorum.

§ 31.   County court — Terms.

The terms of the County Courts shall be held at the times that are now prescribed for holding the Supervisors’ Courts, or may hereafter be prescribed by law.

§ 32.   [Repealed.]

§ 33.   Appeals from county and common pleas courts.

Appeals from all judgments of County Courts or Courts of Common Pleas, when established, may be taken to the Circuit Court under such restrictions and regulations as may be prescribed by law.

§ 34.   [Repealed.]

§ 35.   [Repealed.]

§ 36.   Special judges of county or probate courts.

Whenever a Judge of the County or Probate Court may be disqualified from presiding, in any cause or causes pending in his court, he shall certify the facts to the Governor of the State, who shall thereupon commission a special judge to preside in such cause or causes during the time said disqualification may continue, or until such cause or causes may be finally disposed of.

§ 37.   Compensation of county judge — Powers during absence of circuit judge.

The County Judge shall receive such compensation for his services as presiding Judge of the County Court, as Judge of the Court of Probate and Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, when established, as may be provided by law. In the absence of the Circuit Judge from the county, the County Judge shall have power to issue orders for injunctions and other provisional writs in their counties, returnable to the court having jurisdiction; provided, that either party may have such order reviewed by any superior Judge in vacation in such manner as shall be provided by law. The County Judge shall have power, in the absence of the Circuit Judge from the county, to issue, hear

and determine writs of habeas corpus, under such regulations and restrictions as shall be provided by law.

§ 38.   Justices of the peace — Election — Term — Oath.

The qualified electors of each township shall elect the Justices of the Peace for the term of two years; who shall be commissioned by the Governor, and their official oath shall be indorsed on the commission.

§ 39.   [Repealed.]

§ 40.   [Repealed.]

§ 41.   Qualifications of justice of peace.

A Justice of the Peace shall be a qualified elector and a resident of the township for which he is elected.

§ 42.   [Repealed.]

§ 43.   [Repealed.]

§ 44.   [Repealed.]

§ 45.   [Repealed.]

§ 46.   County executive officers — Compensation of county assessor.

The qualified electors of each county shall elect one Sheriff, who shall be ex-officio collector of taxes, unless otherwise provided by law; one Assessor, one Coroner, one Treasurer, who shall be ex-officio treasurer of the common school fund of the county, and one County Surveyor; for the term of two years, with such duties as are now or may be prescribed by law: Provided, that no per centum shall ever be paid to assessors upon the valuation or assessment of property by them.

§ 47.   Constables — Term of office — Certificate of election.

The qualified electors of each township shall elect the Constable for the term of two years, who shall be furnished, by the presiding Judge of the County Court, with a certificate of election, on which his official oath shall be indorsed.

§ 48.   Commissions of officers.

All officers provided for in this article, except Constables, shall be commissioned by the Governor.

§ 49.   Style of process and of indictments.

All writs and other judicial process, shall run in the name of the State of Arkansas, bear test and be signed by the clerks of the respective courts from which they issue. Indictments shall conclude: “Against the peace and dignity of the State of Arkansas.”

§ 50.   [Repealed.]

§ 51.   Appeals from county or municipal allowances — Bond.

That in all cases of allowances made for or against counties, cities or towns, an appeal shall lie to the Circuit Court of the county, at the instance of the party aggrieved, or on the intervention of any citizen or resident and tax payer of such county, city or town, on the same terms and conditions on which appeals may be granted to the Circuit Court in other cases; and the matter pertaining to any such allowance shall be tried in the Circuit Court de novo. In case an appeal be taken by any citizen, he shall give a bond, payable to the proper county, conditioned to prosecute the appeal, and save the county from costs on account of the same being taken.

§ 52.   Appeals in election contests.

That in all cases of contest for any county, township, or municipal office, an appeal shall lie at the instance of the party aggrieved, from any inferior board, council, or tribunal to the Circuit Court, on the same terms and conditions on which appeals may be granted to the Circuit Court in other cases, and on such appeals the case shall be tried de novo.

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