Constitution of Alaska

Constitution of Alaska

Preamble to the Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 1 – Declaration of Rights – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 2 – The Legislature – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 3 – The Executive – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 4 – The Judiciary – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 5 – Suffrage and Elections – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 6 – Legislative Apportionment – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 7 – Health, Education and Welfare – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 8 – Natural Resources – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 9 – Finance and Taxation – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 10 – Local Government – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 11 – Initiative, Referendum, and Recall – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 12 – General Provisions – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 13 – Amendment and Revision – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Article 14 – Apportionment Schedule (repealed) : Repealed by 1998 Ballot Measure No. 3.

Article 15 – Schedule of Transitional Measures – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Ordinance No. 1 – Ratification of Constitution – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Ordinance No. 2 – Alaska-Tennessee Plan – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Ordinance No. 3 – Abolition of Fish Traps – The Constitution of the State of Alaska

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