The Constitution of the State of Alaska

The Constitution of the State of Alaska

Adopted by the Constitutional Convention February 5, 1956
Ratified by the People of Alaska April 24, 1956
Became Operative with the Formal Proclamation of Statehood January 3, 1959

Introduction & Preamble
Article I – Declaration of Rights
Article II – The Legislature
Article III – The Executive
Article IV – The Judiciary
Article V – Suffrage and Elections
Article VI – Legislative Apportionment
Article VII – Health, Education and Welfare
Article VIII – Natural Resources
Article IX – Finance and Taxation
Article X – Local Government
Article XI – Initiative, Referendum, and Recall
Article XII – General Provisions
Article XIII – Amendment and Revision
Article XIV – Apportionment Schedule (repealed)
Article XV – Schedule of Transitional Measures
Ordinance No. 1
Ordinance No. 2
Ordinance No. 3

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