Article 12 Section 1, 2, 3, 4 – Arizona Constitution

Article 12 Section 1 – Counties as bodies politic and corporate

1. Counties as bodies politic and corporate

Section 1. Each county of the state, now or hereafter organized, shall be a body politic and corporate.

Article 12 Section 2 – Counties of territory as counties of state

2. Counties of territory as counties of state

Section 2. The several counties of the territory of Arizona as fixed by statute at the time of the adoption of this Constitution are hereby declared to be the counties of the state until changed by law.

Article 12 Section 3 – County officers; election; term of office

3. County officers; election; term of office

Section 3. There are hereby created in and for each organized county of the state the following officers who shall be elected by the qualified electors thereof: a sheriff, a county attorney, a recorder, a treasurer, an assessor, a superintendent of schools and at least three supervisors, each of whom shall be elected and hold his office for a term of four (4) years beginning on the first of January next after his election, which number of supervisors is subject to increase by law. The supervisors shall be nominated and elected from districts as provided by law.

The candidates for these offices elected in the general election of November 3, 1964 shall take office on the first day of January, 1965 and shall serve until the first day of January, 1969.

Article 12 Section 4 – County officers; duties, powers, and qualifications; salaries

4. County officers; duties, powers, and qualifications; salaries

Section 4. The duties, powers, and qualifications of such officers shall be as prescribed by law. The board of supervisors of each county is hereby empowered to fix salaries for all county and precinct officers within such county for whom no compensation is provided by law, and the salaries so fixed shall remain in full force and effect until changed by general law.

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