Article 22 – Section 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 – Arizona Constitution

Article 22 Section 10 – Seals of supreme court, superior courts, municipalities, and county officers

10. Seals of supreme court, superior courts, municipalities, and county officers

Section 10. Until otherwise provided by law, the seal now in use in the Supreme Court of the Territory, shall be the seal of the Supreme Court of the State, except that the word “State”, shall be substituted for the word “Territory” on said seal. The seal of the superior courts of the several counties of the State, until otherwise provided by law, shall be the vignette of Abraham Lincoln, with the words “Seal of the Superior Court The seal of municipalities, and of all county officers, in the Territory, shall be the seals of such municipalities and county officers, respectively, under the State, until otherwise provided by law, except that the word “Territory”, or “Territory of Arizona”, be changed to read “State” or “State of Arizona”, where the same may appear on any such seals.

Article 22 Section 11 – Effective date of constitution

11. Effective date of constitution

Section 11. The provisions of this Constitution shall be in force from the day on which the President of the United States shall issue his proclamation declaring the State of Arizona admitted into the Union.

Article 22 Section 12 – Election of representative in congress

12. Election of representative in congress

Section 12. One Representative in the Congress of the United States shall be elected from the State at large, and at the same election at which officers shall be elected under the Enabling Act, approved June 20, 1910, and, thereafter, at such times and in such manner as may be prescribed by law.

Article 22 Section 13 – Continuation in office until qualification of successor

13. Continuation in office until qualification of successor

Section 13. The term of office of every officer to be elected or appointed under this Constitution or the laws of Arizona shall extend until his successor shall be elected and shall qualify.

Article 22 Section 14 – Initiative

14. Initiative

Section 14. Any law which may be enacted by the Legislature under this Constitution may be enacted by the people under the Initiative. Any law which may not be enacted by the Legislature under this Constitution shall not be enacted by the people.

Article 22 Section 15 – Public institutions

15. Public institutions

Section 15. Correctional and penal institutions, and institutions for the benefit of persons who have mental or physical disabilities and such other institutions as the public good may require, shall be established and supported by the State in such manner as may be prescribed by law.

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