Article 6 – JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT – Arizona Constitution


Article 6 Section 1 – Judicial power; courts
Article 6 Section 2 – Supreme court; composition; divisions; decisions, transaction of business
Article 6 Section 3 – Supreme court; administrative supervision; chief justice
Article 6 Section 4 – Supreme court; term of office
Article 6 Section 5 – Supreme court; jurisdiction; writs; rules; habeas corpus
Article 6 Section 6 – Supreme court; qualifications of justices
Article 6 Section 7 – Supreme court; clerk and assistants; administrative director and staff
Article 6 Section 8 – Supreme court; publication of opinions
Article 6 Section 9 – Intermediate appellate courts
Article 6 Section 10 – Superior court; number of judges
Article 6 Section 11 – Superior court; presiding judges; duties

Article 6 Section 12 – Superior court; term of office
Article 6 Section 13 – Superior court; composition; salaries; judgments and proceedings; process
Article 6 Section 14 – Superior court; original jurisdiction
Article 6 Section 15 – Jurisdiction and authority in juvenile proceedings
Article 6 Section 16 – Superior court; appellate jurisdiction

Article 6 Section 17 – Superior court; conduct of business; trial juries; jury trial; grand juries
Article 6 Section 18 – Superior court; writs
Article 6 Section 19 – Superior court; service of judge in another county
Article 6 Section 20 – Retirement and service of retired justices and judges
Article 6 Section 21 – Superior court; speedy decisions
Article 6 Section 22 – Superior and other courts; qualifications of judges
Article 6 Section 23 – Superior court; clerk

Article 6 Section 24 – Superior court; court commissioners, masters and referees
Article 6 Section 25 – Style of process; conduct of prosecutions in name of state
Article 6 Section 26 – Oath of office

Article 6 Section 27 – Charge to juries; reversal of causes for technical error
Article 6 Section 28 – Justices and judges; dual office holding; political activity; practice of law

Article 6 Section 30 – Courts of record
Article 6 Section 31 – Judges pro tempore

Article 6 Section 32 – Justices of the peace and inferior courts; jurisdiction, powers and duties; terms of office; salaries
Article 6 Section 33 – Change by legislature in number of justices or judges; reduction of salary during term of office
Article 6 Section 34 – Absence of judicial officer from state

Article 6 Section 35 – Continuance in office; continued existence of offices; application of prior statute and rules
Article 6 Section 36 – Commission on appellate court appointments and terms, appointments and vacancies on commission
Article 6 Section 37 – Judicial vacancies and appointments; initial terms; residence; age
Article 6 Section 38 – Declaration of candidacy; form of judicial ballot, rejection and retention; failure to file declaration
Article 6 Section 39 – Retirement of justices and judges; vacancies
Article 6 Section 40 – Option for counties with less than two hundred fifty thousand persons
Article 6 Section 41 – Superior court divisions; commission on trial court appointments; membership; terms
Article 6 Section 42 – Retention evaluation of justices and judges

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