Arkansas Constitution

Through its history, Arkansas has been governed by five constitutions. Each of the five constitutions symbolizes a shift in the state’s political status: statehood in 1836, joining the Confederate States of America during the Civil War in 1861, military occupation near the end of the Civil War in 1864, Reconstruction in 1868, and reaction to Reconstruction in 1874. Although several attempts have been made to draft a new constitution, the 1874 document remains the basis for state laws in Arkansas. All five of the original state constitutions are housed at the Arkansas State Archives, and have been digitized and transcribed for your use.

Arkansas Constitution

Article 1 – Boundaries
Article 2 – Declaration of Rights
Article 3 – Franchise and Elections
Article 4 – Departments
Article 5 – Legislative Department
Article 6 – Executive Department
Article 7 – Judicial Department
Article 8 – Apportionment – Membership in General Assembly
Article 9 – Exemption
Article 10 – Agriculture, Mining and Manufacture
Article 11 – Militia
Article 12 – Municipal and Private Corporations
Article 13 – Counties, County Seats and County Lines
Article 14 – Education
Article 15 – Impeachment and Address
Article 16 – Finance and Taxation
Article 17 – Railroads, Canals and Turnpikes
Article 18 – Judicial Circuits
Article 19 – Miscellaneous Provisions
Article 20 – “Holford” Bonds Not to Be Paid

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